jeudi 8 décembre 2011

linux // windows

  • Dxpc - The Differential X Protocol Compressor - An X protocol compressor designed to improve the speed of X11 applications run over low-bandwidth links. Latest stable release is 3.9.1, 2007-02-07. What's Related?
  • Enlightenment Themes - Tons of themes for Enlightenment, a lightweight window manager, can be found here. What's Related?
  • GNU Xnee - A suite of programs that can record, replay and distribute user actions under the X11 environment. What's Related?
  • Ice Window Manager - Themes - Lots of themes for the IceWM window manager. What's Related?
  • LWN - LPC: The Future of Linux Graphics - A discussion of the near-term future of Linux video drivers from the recent Linux Plumbers Conference. (2008) What's Related?
  • Linux Arts - An online Linux community website for art and theme lovers. What's Related?
  • Linux Journal Tutorial - Learning to Use X11 - A tutorial discussing how to use X11 fully and effectively. What's Related?
  • LinuxDevCenter Article - " What Is the X Window System" - A detailed review article on the X Window System. (2005) This article is still relevant today. (2009) What's Related?
  • : Homepage - The Free Desktop Screenshot Archive - Linux Screenshots - Archive of screenshots along with free and open source Linux applications for the desktop; the value-added feature of this site is the listing of applications used for each screenshot with links to other screenshots using the listed applications; a multilingual site. What's Related?
  • Splashy Project - A splash screen program for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. N.B. This project supercedes the Bootsplash project. It runs completely in userspace, and therefore doesn't require any patches to the OS kernel. Latest release is 0.3.13, 2008-12-24. What's Related?
  • Technical X Window System and Motif WWW Sites - A meta site with over 700 technically-oriented X Window System links. What's Related?
  • The Homepage - A dockapp (add-on) archive. What's Related?
  • The gDesklets Homepage - A system for bringing mini-programs (desklets), such as weather forecasts, news tickers, system information displays, or music player controls, on to the desktop -- eyecandy for the desktop. Works on most of the modern Linux desktops (including GNOME, KDE, Xfce). Latest stable release is 0.36, 2008-02-21. What's Related?
  • The xTeX Shell - A simple TeX interface for the X Window system. What's Related?
  • Themes/Freshmeat - A master list of all themes-related projects on Each entry provides details of the project, license information, and a link to the home page. What's Related?
  • ThemesWiki - Guides for designing web themes and templates on a wide range of Content Management Systems and related software. What's Related?
  • X Display Manager - Wikipedia - A comprehensive article about XDM, an optional part of the X Window System that is used for login session management. Lots of external links are included for further information. (2010) What's Related?
  • X/Config/Resolution - Ubuntu Wiki - Few bother with modelines anymore, but if you want to get the most from your monitor (or you're just a plain control freak) this is the latest, definitive reference. (2011) What's Related?
  • Xps - Process tree display and manipu

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