- >>Normal/UNION Based SQL Injection<<
- --[TUT] SQL Injection(Pics) [Highly Detailed]-- by DownFall
- --[TUT] Introduction to Burp Suite [TUT]-- by Hooded Robin
- --V1P3R'z Complete SQL Injection Tutorial:)-- by V1P3R
- --[TUT] - Full Detailed Basic SQL Injection [/#!UPDATED!#/]- [TUT]-- by //#- Zer0Pwn -#//
- --Beginner SQL Injection Tutorial-- by F4T4L 3RR0R
- --[TUT] basic sqli, string injection and waf bypassing..[/TUT]-- by Real Steel
- --| ULTIMATE SQL injection Tutorial, Very Detailed + Pics |-- by Ruyuk
- --SQL Injection [Injecting Website, Basic Injection]-- By Ma3x
- --Detailed Basic and Full SQL Injection Tutorial-- By Nerv
- --SQL INJECTION (From start to Defacement)-- By raahul2008
- --[TUT] SQL Injection Tutorial for Beginners-- By Kr4z1
- --Tut on SQL injection-- By Cpt.Conficke
- --< Ultimate SQL Injection Tutorial For Beginners >-- by #Blackhat
- --[tut]Basic blind Sql Injection using (TIME DELAY) .asp-- by Real Steel
- --[tut]Basic blind Sql Injection using (ascii char)-- by Real Steel
- --[Detailed] Boolean Based Blind Injection [Tutorial]-- by DownFall
- --Exploiting Blind SQL injection in the Wild FULL tutorial-- by nullbyt3s
- --[TUT]Double query(error based blind sQl Injection).-- by Real Steel
- --[TUT][nood friendly][PIC]ERROR BASED INJECTION(DOUBLE QUERY)[TUT]-- by webb
- --Full "Error Based" SQL injection tutorial...-- by th3madhatt3r
- --[tut]Basic error based sql injection (and sequel error based injection)-- by Real Steel
- --Error based SQL Injection-- by Pinning You
- --[tut]double query(error based blind sqli)[/tut]-- by sandeep1024
- --'ORDER BY' Doesn't work? Look here [String Based Tutorial]-- by Join7
- --SQL Injection [String Based]-- by Ma3x
- --String based SQL Injection tutorial Version 2.0-- by Join7
- --[TUT] basic sqli, string injection and waf bypassing..[/TUT]-- by Real Steel
- --[TUT] SQL Injection; Basic WAF bypass [/TUT] -- by Join7
- --[EASY]Basic WAF Bypassing within SQLi[TUT] -- by Intercept
- --{*TuT*} WAF Bypassing {*TuT*} sharing-- by Cyber_Space_Warrior
- --[TUT]basic WAF bypassing and intrusion detection (explained.)-- by Real Steel
- --►{DETAILED}SQL Injection + WAF Bypassing TUT For BEGINNERS**{DETAILED} -- by damienomen
- --[TUT]SQL Injection Filter Evasion[TUT]-- by JBAgrajag
- --[TUT] BURP SUITE - PART II: SQL Authentication Bypass [TUT]-- by Hooded Robin
- --MSSQL [asp] Sql injection-- by PAKbugs™
- --[TUT]basic MsSQl Injection tutorial.-- by Real Steel
>>Cross Site Scripting Tutorial<<
- --|TUT| Complete XSS Tutorial |TUT|-- by vaibhuvcool@gmail.com
- --[tut]Basic Xss (and cookie stealing explenation).-- by Real Steel
- --XSS Tutorial by VipVince-- by VipVince
- --[TuT] XSS - Cross Site Scripting.-- by Phizo
- --[TuT]#- Full Ultimate XSS Tutorial -#[TuT]-- by //#- Zer0Pwn -#//
- --[TUT] Non-Persistent XSS via SQLi [EASY]-- by Intercept
- --[TuT]XSS - Quote Filter[TuT]-- by TheUzuki.'
- --ULTIMATE GUIDE TO XSS-- by emochibi
- --[Team INTRA] [Noob friendly] LFI to shell [Tutorial] [Pictures]-- by ๖ۣۜΗ α x O r ♥
- --[TUT] LFI (Uploading Shell) [Pics/Video]-- by DownFall
- --[TuT] LFI Exploitation via /proc/self/environ [TuT]-- by Hooded Robin
- --+LFI][TuT] Shell via LFI through proc/self/environ method [TuT]-- by Raykoid666
- --[TUT] How to hack and shell a website using LFI proc/self/environ [TUT]-- by SoTF BluntMan
- >>LFI<<
--Remote File Inclusion Tutorials--
- --[TeamDemiZe][TUT]How to load your Shell useing RFI vulnerability[/TUT][Pics]-- by BeggFoMercy
- --+RFI][TuT] RFI - Remote File Inclusion.-- by Phizo
- --[tut]RFI-Remote File Inclusion. (Easy and short)-- by Real Steel
- --+RFI][TUT] Simple RFI Tutorial [/tut] -- by MajorDeath
- --+RFI][TUT] RFI [Remote File Inclusion]-- by ZaLs
- >>RFI<<
- >>Scorpion Admin Page Finder<<
http://sc0rpion.ir/af/ - >>Outlaw Admin Page Finder<<
http://www.tools.th3-0utl4ws.com/admin-finder/ - >>Napsterakos Admin Page Finder<< (Credits to Napsterakos and thanks to C0d3X for the share)
http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php...age+finder - >>HaviJ Injector/Cracker and Admin page finder<<
--Essential Browser and Browser tools/add-ons--
- >>Firefox Browser<<
http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/products/do...lang=en-US - >>HackBar add-on for Firefox<<
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox...src=search - >>Live HTTP Headers for Firefox<<
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox...src=search - >>Tamper Data for Firefox<<
--Rooting Tutorials--
- --RooTinG Tutorial [Backdoor included]-- by TheTechMale
- --Rooting Tutorial and Adding New Root User [NOOB FRIENDLY] [PICTURES] by ๖ۣۜΗ α x O r ♥
--Defacing and Shelling Tutorials--
>>Defacing Tutorials<<
- How To Deface Websites
- --[TuT] - How to Deface Website Detailed + Pics [TuT]-- by Dimitrije
- --[TUT] How to Deface a Website!!-- by Ambitious
- How To make deface pages
- --[TUT] How To Make A Deface Page[TUT]-- by Juicey
- --[TUT] How to make simple deface page [TUT]-- by ReV0luTionH4cKerZ
>>Shelling Websites<<
- --[TUTORIAL] Shell uploading and finding [TUTORIAL]-- by ๖ۣۜΗ α x O r ♥
- --[TUT] HOW TO UPLOAD SHELL [TUT]-- by Hooded Robin
- --[HOW TO]Upload your Shell,and Deface[TUTORIAL]-- by skim
--Hash Cracking websites and Hash Cracking Tutorials--
>>Hash Crack Websites<<
- http://www.md5decrypter.co.uk
- http://www.md5crack.com
- http://www.md5this.com
- http://www.hashchecker.de
- http://www.hash-cracker.com/
>>Hash Cracking Tutorials<<
- --[TUT] HashcatGUI Tutorial [Part 1: CPU Dictionary/Wordlist]-- by Volume84
- --[TUT] HashcatGUI Tutorial [Part 2: CPU Bruteforce]-- by Volume84
- --[TUT] HashcatGUI Tutorial [Part 3: GPU Dictionary/Wordlist Md5 Hash Cracking]-- by Volume84
- --+Hash][TuT] - How to crack any Hash [TuT]-- by Dimitrije
- --+Hash][TUT] Hash Decryption [/TUT]beginner friendly-- by h-boy
>>Identifying Hashes/ Hash rules and uses<<
- --[Bookmark] Hash Types [You will need it]-- by ๖ۣۜΗ α x O r ♥
- --[REF] Explanation of Hashcat Rules [REF]-- by Hooded Robin
- --Wordlists & Password Profiling with CRUNCH, WyD, & CUPP on Backtrack 5 -- by Hooded Robin
- --PACK - Password Analysis and Cracking Kit on Backtrack 5-- by Hooded Robin
- --vBulletin upload a shell pretty unkown way.-- by Mx.
- --Mysql injection shell upload without admin panel-- by Mx.
- --Uploading a php-shell like a image but as .php-- by Mx.
- --[[TuT] Burp Suite - Part III: LFI exploitation via /proc/self/environ [TuT]-- by Hooded Robin
- --[Tut] Basic Shell Uploading [Video]-- by DownFall
- --[TUT] LFI (Uploading Shell) [Pics/Video]-- by DownFall
--[Team INTRA] Shell uploading service [FREE]-- by ๖ۣۜΗ α x O r ♥
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