- 50 Open Source Replacements for Popular Financial Software - Datamation.com - A comprehensive, annotated list of equivalent open source financial software. It is organized by subject category. (2010)
- 55 Open Source Replacements for Popular Networking Tools - Datamation.com - An annotated list of networking tools organized by subject category. This resource is handy for both enterprise and home system administrators to assist in managing their networks. (2010)
- 58 Open Source Replacements for Commercial Communications Apps - Datamation.com - An annotated list of equivalent open source software for communication applications, such as blogging, browsers, content management systems, media players, office apps, and VoIP. It is organized by subject category.
- A home for free software Hackers - A hosting site for a group of French free software developers.
- Advogato - An online community site dedicated to free software development. It contains articles, blogs, and an annotated list of free software projects.
- Alioth - Welcome - Hosts Debian-backed or Debian-led software projects and facilitates contributions from external developers.
- BerliOS Developer - A repository of open source projects; offers free access to CVS/SVN, mailing lists, bug tracking, message boards/forums, task management, site hosting, permanent file archive, full backups, and total web-based administration.
- Code Snippets Wiki - A public code snippet library that anyone can edit. This repository is organized and searchable by computer language.
- Comparison of Free Software Hosting Facilities - Wikipedia - A handy table of the various hosting sites for free/open source projects.
- Dotfiles.com - Configuration File Heaven - A central repository of configuration files (with preview and download for each) for editors, games, mail clients, shells, window managers, and X.
- Enterprise IT Planet Linux Products - Linux security, networking and data storage applications and products.
- FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory - A useful directory of free software that runs under free operating systems particularly the GNU operating system and its GNU/Linux variants; organized by subject area.
- Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmaster Resources, Free Internet Software - A large database of software covering a variety of topics including: compilers, source code/libraries, documentation, emulators, programming tools, Perl and PHP scripts, security, and web hosting.
- Free Software Directory - A comprehensive site of free software projects for Debian, Gnome, KDE, Linux Kernel Project as well as listings of projects by broad topic.
- FreeGIS - Software for free Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
- Freshmeat.net - The source for Open Software - Freshmeat maintains one of the largest archives of Linux software on the web. The first stop for Linux users hunting for the software they need for work or play.
- GForge Collaborative Development Environment - A GPLed software fork of the Web-based project-management and collaboration software (Alexandria code) originally created for SourceForge. It provides project hosting, version control (CVS and Subversion), bug-tracking, and messaging.
- GNOME Project Listing - A list of GNOME-related projects and their web pages.
- GetDeb - Software for Ubuntu Linux - An Ubuntu software portal with ready-to-install applications in Ubuntu's default package format. It was created to simplify the installation of new software for Ubuntu users. GetDeb focuses both on providing newer versions of software included in Ubuntu and software that is omitted from the official repositories. PlayDeb is an ancilliary project to GetDeb but with an explicit focus on games. Click on the Games link to access this.
- GnomeFiles - GNOME/GTK+ Software Repository - The best site to visit for GNOME applications.
- Gonzui - A source code search engine and database of open source code.
- IBM: Developer Products for Linux for IBM z Mainframe Servers - An alphabetical listing of products (with links) and a listing by company.
- Ibiblio Linux Archive - A massive archive of Linux software and documentation; a free public library of Linux software.
- IceWalkers - Linux Software - A searchable database of Linux software and HOWTOs. Also includes security alert information.
- KDE-Apps.org - The primary KDE applications site; replaces APPS.KDE.COM.
- KDE-Files.org - THE site for downloading documents and templates for enhancing the KDE desktop.
- Koders - Source Code Search Engine - A huge database of source code searchable by programming language and license; coders are encouraged to contribute their project to the database
- LUnIx . . . Linux CAD Links - Collection of CAD software links for Linux; includes a brief description of software (with homepage link); information on license type, source code and binary packages.
- Linux Business Applications - Directory of businesses that use Linux in their day-to-operations and a good place to find out about Linux in business; also availble in French.
- Linux Equivalents to Windows Software - A handy table of Linux software equivalents organized by subject area. Each entry points to a portal page providing an overview of the software, a screenshot, a comprehensive list of its features, and links to sites offering information and support on the software such as forums, tutorials, and reviews.
- Linux Online - Applications - A database of Linux applications organized by subject.
- Linux Software - Linux software directory; in English and Czech.
- Linux Software Directory - A Linux software database plus Filewatcher database of Linux distribution packages.
- Linux Software Equivalent to Windows Software - LQWiki - An up-to-date table of Linux-equivalent software for popular Windows applications. Organized by subject category.
- Linux Video Tools - A database of video tools for Linux.
- Linux4Chemistry - Linux Software for Chemistry - A searchable database of Linux chemistry software.
- MapTools.org - A resource site for developers and users of open source mapping software; many mapping projects, organized by broad subject categories, are hosted on this site
- Medical Free/Libre and Open Source Software - A searchable database of Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects in health care and medicine. It offers an open content platform to foster the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences about these projects.
- OSDir.com - Open Source Linux News and Software - A directory of Linux software applications plus news, articles, and reviews.
- OSOR.eu - Open Source Observatory and Repository - The Open Source Observatory and Repository for European public administrations (OSOR) is a platform for exchanging information, experiences and FLOSS-based code for use in public administrations. There is a repository with code and documentation for public administrations and a state-of-the art forge for collaborative software development.
- Open Collector - Database of open hardware designs and design programs (especially the EDA end of hardware design).
- Open Source Alternative - Find Open Source Alternatives to Commercial Software - A database of open source software alternatives to well-known commercial software.
- Open Source GIS - A database of open source/free GIS (geographic information systems)-related software.
- Open Source Java Directory - A browsable directory of open source Java applications.
- Oss4lib - Open Source Systems for Libraries - Listing of software and systems designed for libraries (as in books).
- Python Package Index - A repository of software for the Python programming language. There are currently 8800+ packages in the database.
- SEUL - Simple End User Linux - A hosting site for high-quality Linux applications primarily in education, science, and advocacy; also manages and coordinates communications between projects.
- SGI Open Source Project List - An annotated list of open source projects which have either originated within SGI, have SGI employees coordinating the development and maintaining the master trees, or have SGI employees as significant core contributors.
- Savannah: Welcome - A central point for development, distribution and maintenance of GNU Software; similar to SourceForge, but not as big.
- Softonic.com -> Linux - Software Archives - Spanish site.
- SourceForge - Open Source Development Website - The world's largest development and download repository of open source code and applications; provides free services to open source developers.
- Swik - A free and open database of Open Source projects; includes a search engine, a wiki for editing/adding entries and information-sharing tools that use Really Simple Syndication (RSS).
- The ASM Software Homepage - Lists of downloadable software for GNU/Linux, MS-DOS and compatibles, Atari ST.
- The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) - The authoritative collection of materials, documentation, and software related to the TeX typesetting system.
- The Linux Software Map (LSM) - A searchable database of packages that have been written for, ported to, or, compiled for Linux.
- The Random Factory -- Scientific Software for Linux - Linux for Astronomy, Biotechnology, and Chemistry with comprehensive collections of software on CD.
- The Top 100 Open Source Software Tools for Medical Professionals - An annotated list of open source software tools for the medical community. It is organized by subject area. (2008)
- The mozdev.org Homepage - Free hosting service for the Mozilla community; software projects related to Mozilla and run on top of the software code being developed by mozilla.org.
- The table of equivalents / replacements of Windows software in Linux - Organized by broad subject category and updated frequently. This is an excellent resource. Site also available in Chinese, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian and Spanish.
- Tuxfinder - Linux Search Tool - A searchable database of Linux applications; includes distribution packages (Red Hat, Debian, and Slackware), software applications, and documentation. Also available in French.
- Ultimate List of Open Source Software — Datamation.com - This huge list contains 715 software applications, which are organized into subject categories. Each entry has a brief description and a link to the homepage. (2010)
- Unmaintained Free Software - A searchable database of unmaintained/orphaned free software projects, organized by category, which require a new maintainer.
- Veripool - Free Verilog Software - A repository of software related to Verilog and SystemC design and verification.
- Welcome New Breed Software - Primary focus is games software, but useful libraries, utilities and tools are included. N.B.: Some of the games for Linux are freeware, which does not include the source code.
- Welcome to Gna! - A code-hosting site for free software.
- Welcome to the RPM repository on speakeasy.rpmfind.net - A searchable RPM package repository; can access by group (subject), distribution, vendor (RPM creator), creation date, and name.
jeudi 8 décembre 2011
linux // software archive
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