jeudi 8 décembre 2011

linux // software texteditor

  • Bed - Binary Editor for Linux - Adjustable data format binary editor. Latest release is 0.2.26, 2009-08-13. What's Related?
  • GNU Emacs - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) - A extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display text editor. Current stable release is 2.2, 2008-03-26. What's Related?
  • GNU Emacs Reference Card - Covers the basic Emacs commands. What's Related?
  • GNU Nano - This is one of the most user-friendly and lighweight text editors available for Linux. It's a clone of the Pico editor with many enhancements. What's Related?
  • Geany - A text editor using the GTK2 toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE with only a few dependencies. Multilingual support is excellent with 20+ languages available. Latest release is 0.16, 2009-02-15. What's Related?
  • Gobby - A cross-platform, collaborative text editor supporting multiple documents in one session as well as multi-user chat. What's Related?
  • JOE - Joe's Own Editor - A full-featured, terminal-based screen editor which has been in existence since 1988 and comes standard with many Linux distributions. Latest stable release is 3.7, 2008-11-03. What's Related?
  • Jext - Free Software (as in free speech) Source Code Editor - A powerful programmer's text editor written in Java. Last stable release is 5.0, 2004-07-07. What's Related?
  • Kate | An Edge in Editing - An advanced text and MIDI editor for KDE. What's Related?
  • Mined 2000 - A text editor with extensive support for Unicode and CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean). What's Related?
  • NEdit - the Multi-Purpose X Window System Editor - A fast, compact Motif/X11 plain text editor, for Linux/UNIX systems. Features significant support for programmers including syntax highlighting, macro language, and streamlined keyboard navigation. Latest stable release is 5.5, 2004-10-12. What's Related?
  • Ted, an easy Rich Text Processor for X Windows - A text processor running under X Windows on Linux/UNIX systems; latest release is 2.17, 2005-01-26. What's Related?
  • The Elvis Text Editor - A cross-platform vi/ex clone providing a number of bells and whistles including: syntax highlighting, multiple files in multiple windows, and networking support (http and ftp). Latest release is 2.2, 2003-10-21. What's Related?
  • The JED Editor Home Page - A text editor for Linux and many other platforms. This is a powerful editor which is ideal for composing simple email messages as well as editing complex programs in a variety of computer languages. Latest stable release is 0.99-18, 2006-04-02. What's Related?
  • The VIM (Vi IMproved) Home Page - A configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. What's Related?
  • The gedit GNOME Text Editor - The official text editor of the GNOME desktop. Latest release is 2.28.3, 2009-12-19. What's Related?
  • The jEdit - Programmer's Text Editor - A programmer's text editor written in Java, and uses the Swing toolkit for the GUI. Can be configured as a powerful IDE through the use of its plugin architecture. What's Related?
  • Vi Lovers - Home Page - A resource site for the Vi editor. What's Related?
  • Vim Cookbook - This manual contains instructions for doing both simple and complex operations with VIM. What's Related?
  • Vim as an XML Editor - A detailed guide to XML editing using Vim. What's Related?
  • Vimdoc - A central repository of Vim documentation; includes help files in Bahasa Indonesia, French, Japanese, and Russian. What's Related?
  • XEmacs: The next generation of Emacs - A customizable open source text editor and application development system. Available in English, German, and Japanese. Latest stable release is 21.4.22, 2009-01-30. What's Related?
  • Zoinks! - A text editor and develo

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