jeudi 8 décembre 2011

linux // software pdf

  • Evince - Simply a Document Viewer - A document viewer for GNOME; currently supports pdf, postscript, djvu, tiff and dvi formats. Latest stable release is 2.30.3, 2010-06-25. What's Related?
  • Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview Homepage - An interpreter for the PostScript language and PDF along with related software and documentation. Latest release is 3.64, 2009-02-03. What's Related?
  • Homepage - News and community site for Ghostscript. What's Related?
  • KPDF - A pdf viewer based on xpdf for KDE. The latest stable version is 0.5.10, 2007-02-19 as part of KDE 3.5.9. N.B.: Okular for KDE 4 is the successor to KPDF. What's Related?
  • Okular - A universal document viewer based on KPDF for KDE 4. Latest stable release is 0.11, 2010-08-10. This is the successor to KPDF (for KDE 3). What's Related?
  • PDF Editing & Creation: 50+ Open Source/Free Alternatives to Adobe Acrobat - A compilation of free and open source PDF editing and creating software. Each entry has a short annotation plus a link to the application's home page. What's Related?
  • PDF Toolkit (pdftk) - A PDF file manipulator for Linux. What's Related?
  • PDFedit - A free/open source editor for manipulating PDF documents. Comes with both a GUI and a command-line interface. Also available in Czech, French, Russian, and Spanish. Latest release is 0.4.3, 2009-07-21. What's Related?
  • POSTSCRIPT & GHOSTSCRIPT - Internet Resources - A huge database of resources organized by category. What's Related?
  • Txt2pdf - convert text files to Acrobat PDF - A tool to convert txt, text, textual report, spool into pdf; support for English, Japanese, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Korean, Greek, Polish, Hebrew, Thai languages. What's Related?
  • Xpdf - A PDF viewer for X.

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