jeudi 8 décembre 2011

linux // software education

  • ATutor Learning Content Management System: Information - A web-based learning content management system for educators and administrators; features interoperable content packaging for creating and reusing learning objects; available in many languages. What's Related?
  • Beyond Linux From Scratch - A project with the aim of assisting Linux From Scratch (LFS) users to go beyond the base system. Available in Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish. What's Related?
  • Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities - A collection of 7,000+ modules and 400+ courses developed by a worldwide community of authors in a wide variety of fields and a collection of open source tools to assist students, authors and educators. Developed by Rice University. What's Related?
  • DebianWiki: DebianEdu - A project about improving Debian to make it the best distribution for educational purposes. What's Related?
  • DictionaryMaker - A cross-platform graphical tool for creating electronic pronunciation dictionaries (for natural languages). The system allows a user to develop a pronunciation dictionary without requiring expert linguistic knowledge or programming expertise. What's Related?
  • Digital Doorway Home - This project provides freely available open source software and computer kiosks throughout rural and disadvantaged areas of South Africa. The aim is to provide an environment for people to experiment with and learn computer skills without formal training and with minimal external input. What's Related?
  • FET - Free Timetabling Software - Software for automatically scheduling timetables for schools and universities. What's Related?
  • FSL - OpenUSS - Freestyle Learning (FSL) and Open University Support System (OpenUSS) are specifications for the Learning Content System (LCS) and Learning Management System (LMS). They provide J2SE, J2ME and J2EE reference implementations onthose specifications. Latest stable releases: FSL 3.5, 2007-10-03 and OpenUSS 4.0.1, 2008-02-18. What's Related?
  • - Free & Open Source Schools -- Free & Open Minds - This site is dedicated to Free, Libre, Open Source Software and content for education. There are links to the latest education applications. What's Related?
  • Free Software in Education - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) - An advocacy and resource site for free (as in freedom) software in schools maintained by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). What's Related?
  • ILIAS Open Source - A Web-based training platform. Multilingual support is excellent with over 20 languages available. Latest stable release is 4.1.3, 2010-12-03. What's Related?
  • K12 Open Source - A FOSS resource site for primary and secondary school educators. What's Related?
  • K12LTSP - K12 Linux Terminal Server Project - Combines the tools found in Red Hat Fedora Linux with the technology behind the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) to create turn-key school computer labs. What's Related?
  • KWordQuiz - An outstanding vocabulary-building tool for the KDE desktop. Users can download data files of various subjects, including anatomy, music, geography, languages and history. What's Related?
  • Linux From Scratch - Designed to be educational to install and use; instructions based on the Linux From Scratch (LFS) book. What's Related?
  • Moodle - An open source Course Management System (CMS) for educators designing online/distance education courses; available in many languages. What's Related?
  • OFSET Homepage - Organization for Free Software in Education and Teaching. What's Related?
  • OSS Watch - Open Source Software Advisory Service - Provides advice and guidance about free and open source software for the education sector in the UK. What's Related?
  • Online Grades - A Web-based grade posting system. What's Related?
  • Open Admin for Schools - A web-based school administration program. What's Related?
  • Open Source Schools - The main objective of this UK initiative is to help schools with awareness, adoption, use, and development of Open Source Software (OSS). This project will work to share their experiences along with good OSS practice from other sectors with the wider community of educational practitioners, including teachers, decision makers and IT specialists. This site has case studies, forums, and a directory of useful education software. What's Related?
  • OpenDisc - A collection of open source software for users of the Microsoft Windows platform. The goals of this project are to provide free alternatives to costly proprietary equivalents and to educate people about the Linux operating system. There is also an OpenEducationDisc specifically targeting the education sector. Continues TheOpenCD project. Latest release is 08.10, 2008-10-08. What's Related?
  • Project SELF - An international project that provides a platform for the collaborative sharing and creation of free educational and training materials intended for courses on free/libre software and open standards. Also available in Dutch, Portuguese, and Spanish. What's Related?
  • Rapla - Multi-user resource management system, primarily for universities. Latest stable release is 1.3.2, 2008-08-19. What's Related?
  • SEUL Archives - A meta site for SEUL mailing lists and other related lists; divided into active and inactive lists. What's Related?
  • Sakai Project - Open source e-learning software for higher education. What's Related?
  • SchoolForge - The purpose of this site is to unify independent organizations that advocate, use, and develop open resources for primary and secondary education. SchoolForge members advocate the use of open source and free software, open texts and lessons, and open curricula for the advancement of education and the betterment of humankind. What's Related?
  • SchoolNet Namibia Home Page - A volunteer-driven organisation that is working to ensure that all Namibian schoolchildren have access to a computer. Linux is the OS of choice. What's Related?
  • SchoolTool Project - A project to develop common global school administration infrastructure tools for educators. What's Related?
  • Schoolforge-UK - A repository of open content resources using Free, Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) in UK education. What's Related?
  • Skolelinux - Skolelinux is the Debian-edu project's Custom Debian Distribution (CDD) which provides an out-of-the-box localised environment tailored for schools and universities. It comes with 75 applications aimed at schools, as well as 15 network services pre-configured for a school environment. Available in English, French, German, Norwegian, and Spanish. What's Related?
  • Software Libero e Scuola - Open source software (Tuxpaint, Gimp, OpenOffice) for primary school curricula. Italian site. What's Related?
  • Sugar Labs - Sugar is the graphical user interface originally developed for the One Laptop per Child Project, and is now available on many Linux distributions such as Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, and Ubuntu. It improves how computers are used in education, and provides a simple yet powerful means of engaging young children in the world of learning. What's Related?
  • The KDE Education Project - Educational software for the K Desktop Environment. The primary focus is children from ages 3 to 18. Categories of software include: games, languages, mathematics, science, and teaching tools. Internationalization is excellent with translations into 65+ languages. What's Related?
  • The Open Book Project - This project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics. What's Related?
  • Tux Paint - Computer art software for children ages 3 to 12. What's Related?
  • Why Open Source in Schools - An essay which makes the case for open source software in schools. Includes references to websites devoted to open source software in the education sector. What's Related?
  • iTALC - Intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - A cross-platform education tool for teachers. It allows the user to monitor and control computers in labs, and interact with students using these computers. Also available in French, German, Italian, Norwegian, and Spanish. What's Related?

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