jeudi 8 décembre 2011

linux // programming toolkit

  • Bakery: A GNOME C++ Application Framework - A C++ Framework for Document-based GNOME applications, using gtkmm. It allows use of the Document/View architecture. Latest release is 2.6.3, 2009-02-10. What's Related?
  • Beginner FLTK Tutorial - A useful tutorial for those just starting with FLTK. (2005) What's Related?
  • C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 - Online Book - See download section for both a PDF version and the source document; Prentice-Hall Profession Technical Reference, 2004. N.B.: This link will be removed as soon as the "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4" book is available online. What's Related?
  • ClanLib Game SDK - A cross-platform C++ toolkit library which offers a series of different functionality under a streamlined API. Its primary focus is on games, although not limited for that usage only. Latest release is 0.8.1, 2008-03-11. What's Related?
  • Clutter Toolkit - An open source software library for creating fast, visually rich and animated graphical user interfaces. What's Related?
  • Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) - A cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit. What's Related?
  • GLADE GTK+ User Interface Builder - A free user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME. Latest stable release is 3.6.7, 2009-06-29. What's Related?
  • GTK+ -- The GIMP Toolkit - A multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. What's Related?
  • GTK+ and Glade3 GUI Programming Tutorial - Parts 1-3 - This three-part series on Glade 3 covers the following topics: Part 1 - designing a user interface using Glade 3; Part 2 - choosing a programming language for GTK+ development; and Part 3 - writing a basic program to implement the Glade file. Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment. (2008) What's Related?
  • Gnuada - Projects for the GNU Ada Translator (GNAT), an Ada95 front-end based on gcc technology. What's Related?
  • Gtk2-perl - A set of perl bindings for Gtk+ 2.x and various related libraries. What's Related?
  • GtkAda - A complete Ada95 graphical toolkit. What's Related?
  • GtkDatabox - A widget for the Gtk+-library designed to display large amounts of numerical data fast and easily. What's Related?
  • Gtkmm - The official C++ interface for the GUI library GTK+. Latest stable release is 2.22.1, 2009-09-21. What's Related?
  • LatencyTOP - A Linux tool for identifying where system latency is happening, and what kind of operation/action is causing this so that the code can be changed to avoid the worst latency hiccups. What's Related?
  • Momoko - Modular, Extensible, Multi-User Environment - A framework for developing distributed, multi-user, network-aware applications. Latest stable release is 4.1, 2002-10-10. What's Related?
  • OpenEmbedded - A software framework to create Linux distributions aimed for, but not restricted to, embedded devices. It supports many hardware architectures, cross-compiles 1000's of packages including GTK+, Qt, and the X Windows system, and it's easy to customize. What's Related?
  • Qt - Cross-Platform Application and UI Framework - A cross-platform application and UI framework. The developer / user can write Web-enabled applications once and deploy them across desktop, mobile and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code. Dual-licensed under the LGPL and a proprietary license. Latest stable release is 4.70, 2010-09-21. What's Related?
  • Qt Online Reference Documentation - The principal site for all Qt-related documentation. What's Related?
  • - A database of free and open QT-based applications. What's Related?
  • QtCentre - The Ultimate Qt Community Site - A community resource site devoted to programming in C++ using the Qt framework. What's Related?
  • - A resource site for regular expressions (regexes), including tutorials, specialized tools and utilities for working with regexes, as well as samples, books, and reference tools about regexes. What's Related?
  • The GUI Toolkit, Framework Page - Meta site of toolkits for building graphical user interfaces (GUIs), with emphasis on resources for Free Software (Open Source). What's Related?
  • The Independent Qt Tutorial - A comprehensive tutorial with lots of examples and links to the official Qt documentation. French and Italian translations available. Available online and as an an archive for downloading and off-line browsing. (2006) What's Related?
  • The TOAD C++ GUI Library - A simple and powerful C++ GUI toolkit for the X Window System. Latest stable release is 0.64.1, 2007-07-03. What's Related?
  • Welcome to FOX - A C++-based toolkit for GUI development. Latest stable release is 1.6.37, 2009-11-11. What's Related?
  • WxWidgets - A cross-platform C

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